Hall of Fame
1st toast - Vitas and Arbanis - 1981
For almost 4 decades, The Gillis has been evolving into different personalities. Each time, changes occurred because people expressed themselves in their own unique way, adding a whole new dimension to the tourney. Last year we honored and chronicled the people who have meant the most to us and this evolution. For those of you who have been around a few decades, you might recognize all of them. For the newer attendee, this will be a history lesson worth taking to help you understand and appreciate the people who make the Gillis what it is.
Chris Chavez, Geyer, JJ and Turley during the finals - 1984
Beta Rahn
Arico & Max Pepe - 1986
Turley - Homeless - 1986
Dik Johnson, Turley and crew - Jailhouse Rock - 1985
Jailhouse Rock: First camp ever, with live band too and inmates galore. What a Bust!